©OpenStreetMap Terms and Conditions
This map was compiled using the community-generated ©OpenStreetMap (OSM) database. The use of this map is not subject to the terms of the End User License Agreement (EULA), but to the following terms and conditions of ©OpenStreetMap:
The ©OpenStreetMap data is the copyright of ©OpenStreetMap contributors and is subject to the Open Database License. Any rights to the individual content of ©OpenStreetMap data are licensed under the Database Content License.
©COROS only formats and styles ©OpenStreetMap maps. ©COROS does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the map data in ©OpenStreetMap products. You agree to use it at your own risk.
You undertake full responsibility and risk related to your use of the mapping data. ©COROS is not responsible to you for the mapping data and does not make or give to you any representations or warranties, express and implied, in connection with the mapping data, including, but not limited to, the accuracy, completeness, reliability or usability of the mapping data. Therefore, ©COROS is not liable to you for any damage or claim whatsoever, direct or indirect, arising from your use of the mapping data.
©COROS maps are intended as reference only and should not be used for any purpose that requires precise measurements of direction, distance, location or terrain.