Report a security or privacy vulnerability

If you believe that you have discovered a security or privacy vulnerability in a COROS product, please report it to us.

How to report a security or privacy vulnerability

If you believe that you've discovered a security or privacy vulnerability that affects COROS devices, software, or services, please report it directly to us via

Reports should include the following information:

  • Specific product and software version(s) that you believe are affected
  • A technical description of the behavior that you observed and the behavior that you expected
  • The steps required to reproduce the issue
  • A proof of concept or exploit

After you submit the report via email, our team will respond within 15 business days. Please contact us before sending any sensitive information. All confirmed security/vulnerability issues will be fixed within 90 days via software updates.

Ongoing Security Updates

We are committed to maintaining the security of all COROS products. Security updates will be provided for each product series as they become available, ensuring protection against emerging threats and vulnerabilities.

Scope of Support

Security updates apply to the full range of COROS products, offering consistent protection across our entire product offering.

Duration of Support

COROS will provide security updates for each product for a period of 2 years from its official release date.

Information about products not manufactured by COROS, or independent websites not controlled or tested by COROS, is provided without recommendation or endorsement. COROS assumes no responsibility with regard to the selection, performance, or use of third-party websites or products. COROS makes no representations regarding third-party website accuracy or reliability.

Published Date: April 10, 2024